E-KU Inštitút
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The E-KU Institute of Language and Intercultural Communication in Nitra (further on referred to as E-KU) is an educational institution which specialises in complex foreign language education of all age groups of the population.
The Institute management, formed by former university lecturers, promotes the modern methodology of foreign language teaching. Thanks to the professionalisation of the working team, the Institute has reached high quality in its educational programme. This has enabled the Institute to apply successfully for international language licences and integration into the net of educational institutions of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.
E-KU is an active participant in SOCRATES projects.

   Basic Information

Date of foundation: July 1992

Legal form: limited liability company

Registered office: 949 01 Nitra, Piaristická 2

  Licences and Accreditations
At present the E-KU Institute is the largest holder of language licences in Slovakia with the largest language facilities among private language schools.

1995/96 – foundation of the Examination Centre of the Goethe Institute (the licence awarded to a non-state institution for the first time in the history of the CR and SR),
1996 – integration into the net of educational institutions of the Ministry of Education of the SR,
1999 – licence to administer the State Language Examination,
2003 – creation of the City & Guilds Examination Centre (GB),
2004 – accreditation of language courses to meet the demand for requalification on the labour market and the needs of the Civil Service,
2004 – creation of the ECDL Accredited Examination Centre (European Computer Driving Licence),
2006 – creation of the ECL Regional Examination Centre (European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages).

  Important Information

E-KU activities include translation and interpreting services, computer courses and activities provided by the ECDL Accredited Examination Centre (European Computer Driving Licence).

E-KU clients can also enjoy the products offered by the Institution’s own café CAFFINET.

The E-KU novin(k)y journal is published during the year.

  Values That We Respect

credibility, respectability and the good name of the Institute,
professionalism and competence,
promotion of modern trends in foreign language teaching,
importance of the creative teacher’s role with the ability to raise excitement for languages,
life-long education of pedagogues,
tolerance and openness towards other nations and cultures regardless of racial and religious differences.


creation of an European language examination centre extended by IT support,
reinforcing the leading position in the area of language education,
professional and continuously improving service for clients

  In the Area of Educational Institutions (Language Schools)

work towards the equalization of the position of state and private language schools,
help to correct the present legislative and practice which neglects language schools,
contribute to the standardisation of State Language Examinations so that they are comparable to international examinations,
promote the recognition of international examinations and State Language Examinations in the educational system of the SR,
promote the acceptance of language levels obtained by students at language schools – provide for specific needs of such pupils in the conditions of elementary and secondary schools.

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